Vitality Hearing is a fully Independent practice which means that we can source the right product for you. Our pricing is very transparent as we believe that you should never pay more than necessary for your hearing care. Take a look at Our Promise to you on service and price.

All of our products, regardless of price, come with a full lifetime of aftercare. To ensure that we see you regularly, we will always forward book your next appointment at the end of your current appointment. We understand that some people need more attention than others which is why our aftercare is also unlimited. We can see you as much or as little as required.

• Premium Technology up to £2,000 per ear

• Advanced Technology up to £1,750 per ear

• Essential Technology up to £1,150 per ear

• Basic Technology up to £750 per ear

The pricing is shown in categories as we are unable to prescribe the correct product for you until we have completed a full evaluation. Not everybody needs the most advanced hearing aids! We will only ever recommend a product that best suits your lifestyle.

We are able to provide instruments from all of the major manufacturers: